General Club info
Meetings: The BCC Usually meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, at 7pm.
The first Monday meeting is for speakers, practice sessions, and learning. Some past speakers we’ve had talked about topics such as Action photography, Birds, Macro, Portraits, and Food photography.
We also meet for coffee one Saturday afternoon per month, called “Coffeetography”. We talk cameras, techniques, editing, and anything else related to photography!
Visit the Upcoming Events page to see when the next meeting will be!
The second meeting of the month (held on the third Monday) is our monthly photo contest. Categories are divided into Novice and Advanced members, with points awarded to win “Photographer of the Year” awards at our End-of-Year meeting. Your point total also generally determines which category a member is in (Novice or Advanced).
Contests are voluntary, but always provide a great learning opportunity as the images are projected and then discussed.
Our club members love outings where we photograph any and all things interesting. We have done group outings to photograph botanical gardens, 19th century churches, and sports cars! Visit the Upcoming Events page to see what is happening next.
SIGs (Special Interest Groups)
We are a club that welcomes any interest in photography topics and specialities! Our members have lots of “special interest groups”, such as “Macro”, “Film Photography”, “Birds”, “Airplanes”, “Night Sky”, and many more. SIG groups are smaller groups that will meet for these specialized topics about once per month at different locations. All are welcome!
About Us
Patrick Hoffpauir, club President
Jerome Cabeen, club Vice-President
Bonnie Burke, club Secretary
Janice Kelley, club Treasurer
Randy Stanton
Jim Turner
Jared Hunter
Lyne Raff
Kacy Culp
Monthly Contest Coordinators - Houston Kerr, Jerry Kohler
Gulf Coast Camera Club Council Rep - Lyne Raff
Webmaster – Lyne Raff
BCC email -
We can also be reached via message from our public FB page or in the BCC private Facebook group.
Beaumont Camera Club Facebook page (Public) –
If you have not done so already, please go and give the page a “like” on FB!
Beaumont Camera Club Facebook Group
(Private for paid Members Only) Here club members talk as a group about photography topics, upcoming events, and everything else photography. New members are admitted by the group moderator.
Gulf States Camera Club Council – the Beaumont Camera Club is a member of the Gulf States Camera Club Council (GSCCC).
They hold a yearly convention with classes, speakers, a trade show, etc. All members of the Beaumont Camera Club are also members of the GSCCC.
GSCCC website: